Recent news
School is Hard!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Woah has it really been 7 months since my last post? well I've been hard at work going to school at ACAD and forgot all about my blogging life. I've recently gotten into Tumblr and might change my blog site address for more traffic...
Anyways here is a peek at some of the things I've been working on and there will be more to come!
Kiln Building in Regina, Sk
Saturday, May 26, 2013
Working hard to get this wood firing kiln built at the University of Regina.
I'm on Instagram, so follow me
to see more pictures of the kiln and my studio practice.
Pots For Every Occasion
Saturday, March 16, 2013
This is how a ceramic artist packs her lunch...
A Spot of Tea Gallery
Monday, February 4, 2013
Working hard on my portable gallery. The objective of this project is to spark conversation on the value of handmade things.
Free cups of tea will be served in handmade vessels to participants on Feb 12 in the RDC library at tea time. Come join me!
Plaster City
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
I made a mini city out of plaster today! You can see it on display for a couple more days it RDC at the far end of the East Campus. Walking up to it from the stairs it creates a cool effect and piques curiosity! I'm happy with this mini in situ installation.
New Drawings
Monday, January 21, 2013
Experimenting with drawing on maps. This one is of Alberta and is a vague comment on the growing loss of freshwater in prairie provinces.
First Pots of 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Ready to be Bisqued fired, first pots of 2013 are a set of stacking mugs! Wood-kiln bound.
Treasures & New ideas
Monday, December 10, 2012
I've recently rediscovered a large bag of maps that I'd been hoarding from the Reuse Centre. Look at what treasures I've found! An old map of the moon from 1969, the year before they officially mapped the dark side of the moon, and an old photograph from the 70's that fell out of a BC/AB/YT map. I wonder what and who is in the picture... I've deduced that it's of an old ski chalet and I've named the man in the blue parka Harry.
Can't wait to start my newest collage project.
Last pots of the year
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Here's a quick snapshot of the last pieces of the semester. Just waiting for these cups to be put into the wood firing. I can't wait to see them turn out, hopefully they will turn a beautiful orange colour. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Check me out! Click image to go to a video of me on RDC website.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Scholarships change students lives. Fact.
Thanks to the amazing support of RDC and it's scholarship donors I have been able to receive an exceptional education and support that there is a career waiting for me. Check out this video, created by Lani Ledingham, (Community relations, RDC) that is showcasing the amazing opportunity I have received.I couldn't post the actual video but please check it out by clicking the image or link below.